Tuesday, August 26, 2008


This past weekend was the first annual Ramblin Rose Women's Triathlon in Winston-Salem presented by Endurance Magazine. It was a great event and went off without a hitch. Over 400 women participated, most of which had never done a triathlon before. The ages ranged from 12 to 65 and experience from beginner to expert.
Drew and I spent the first half of the morning wrenching and pumping up tires getting the ladies prepared for the race and the second half of the morning, along with Matt, sagging the course and helping out where we could. Over all the whole day was a great success. Our very own Susan Smith finished 3rd in her age group. Congratulations Susan.

Coming up Sunday September 14, 2008 is the Angels Triathlon. Visit www.angelsrace.com/new/ or come by Paceline to find out more about this event. While you're at Paceline buy a $10.00 raffle ticket to help benefit the race and you could win your very own Cervelo P2C. One of the hottest bikes on the Tri market. Check it out at www.Cervelo.com


Anonymous said...

looks like Drew's working hard in that pic!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Drew is wrenching on his own bike!