Saturday, September 6, 2008

Who's the Hottie??

Our good friend Chancy was involved in a little crash on the infamous Thursday night ride this past week. As you can see from the pictures he got pretty banged up. He is ok, no broken bones, just good ol' road rash and some bruising.

Oh yeah, then there's the short term memory loss due to splitting his helmet (which no doubt saved his life). That's what left this crazy bruise on the side of his head. But after a night in the hospital Chancy is doing well and is in good spirits. Get well soon....Hottie!


Anonymous said...

I'm nursing him back to health. Sirena

cameron said...

get better chancy. take good care of him sirena.

Anonymous said...

That's one tough guy. I know how the road rash feels, and I briefly couldn't remember my zip code after laying it down one time. Heal up and take your time.