Thursday, March 6, 2008

3 Inexpensive Ways to Go Faster In Your Next Triathlon

Here are a few things I learned at the low speed wind tunnel
in San Diego, CA that will gain you precious seconds and even
minutes in your next triathlon or time trial. The best part...
these won't break the bank!


Yes, that's right! One of the most non-aero sections of a bike is
the steerer tube with all those spacers. A bento box behind the
spacers acts a makeshift fairing and has much less drag in the
tunnel than just spacers.


An Aero helmet can shave minutes off of your time. 85 % of
the resistance we fight on the bike is wind. Of that, 75%
is brought about by our body. The more aero you can make it,
the faster you will be. The aero helmet takes air
and seamlessly sends it across the back and off the
body with the least turbulence possible.


The air behind the saddle is quite turbulent. An aero
rear bottle cage mount helps to settle this down but also
becomes an ideal place store hydration. Keeping bottles
on the down tube only increase your frontal surface area
(unless you have an aero water bottle i.e. the Arundle,
these work really well). The next best place to keep a
bottle is in the front, between the aero bars.

I hope these help you set some P.R. this season

1 comment:

Steve Hed said...

Putting the water cages behind the seat causes more drag. You won't find one professional bike racer using one in a time trail.